End result of a Betrayer

Proverbs  19:5 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.

A betrayer is a  person who is not loyal to their country or to another person, often doing something harmful such as giving information to an enemy. betrayal is a sin before God which never goes without its punishment. 

There are many are  betrayers in the scripture which their life should teach us some lessons so we don't walk in their path as we journey in our life. 

Jacob betrayed His brother by receiving the blessing due to him. This was perfectly.accomplished by their mother.. Though  he got  what he wanted but the consequences of his actions caught up with him in the journey of his life.. 

He was deceived by His uncle while choosing a wife, he did not enjoy the wife he laboured for, for fourteen years, and the son he loved most was betrayed by his blood brothers. He mourned a living. 

 King david betrayed one of his trusted warrior who fights for him in battle, took his wife and raped her, and eventually killed her husband so as to cover up the secret. God didn't overlook his actions despite being a man behind His heart.. 

The child died and a curse that lives throughout his generation was pronounced upon him. 

Judas iscariot, one of the twelve  disciples of Christ made a deal with the enemies of Christ, gave them information about Christ's whereabout, and even came boldly to identify Him among the other disciple.. 

He made a gain of thirty pieces of silver, but he couldn't live to spend it. He committed suicide at the long run. 

He could have become one of the apostles of Christ, he could have witnessed the outpouring of power and grace on the day of pentecost, he could have become one of the founding members of the early church. He could have written one of the gospels of Christ in the scriptures... But his act of betrayal made his ministerial journey to end halfway. 

Such is the end of Every betrayer, they will surly be paid back in their own coin. God frowns with those who betrays another, but dwells with those who are just and true. 

Are you not a betrayer today? 

Having extra marital affair is an act of betrayal against your spouse. 

Gossiping lies about  a bossom friend is an act of betrayal. 

Stealing from your place of work through several means like Petty theft, Robbery, Armed robbery, Embezzlement, Fraud, Shoplifting, Receiving stolen property, And Writing bad checks and the likes Is an of betrayal. 

Proverbs  19:5 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.

"I am sorry" doesn't heal pains, only God can heal the pain of betrayal, but the betrayers shall never go unpunished. Those who speaks lies, those who give false evidences while they know the truth shall all have their part in the judgment of God that is to come, except they repent. 

How about you that is betraying God today?, you dine and wine with God, but latter sworn your allegiance to the devil through sin, you make jokes out of the scared things of God for your own popularity and gain... 

You may succeed  in your act of betrayal and even receive a reward for it, but the peace you deserve will be taken away from you. The person you betray will heal, but you will live in pain forever, and if you die without repenting, hell is your next destination. 

Repent from your evil deeds, restitute where necessary and pray to God for forgiveness, so your life can be right with God and man. 

Apologies to your wife/husband 
Apologise to your boss/company 
Apologise to your friend 
Apologise to your children 
Apologise to your parents

The anger of the lord is coming to anyone who betrays another... If they fail to repent. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another say today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for being a betrayer in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, make. Me to live right with you and men, also help me to right my wrongs in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.