The sin of disobedience

John  2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

Disobedience is not doing what someone or something with authority tells you to do : refusing or failing to obey rules and  laws

From the begining  of the creation of man God has been giving man one command or the other, to follow and to guide us towards perfection in Him. 

But sadly man often fall short of this commands, disobey God with our actions and life style... And the result most times is not alway palatable. 

Today our focus has always been on the commonly commited sins, like the sin of fornication, adultery, lies, hypocrisy, idolatry, killing etc,  most of us keep ourselves away from this sins but yet our life has not been fruitful. 

Little did we know that what is holding us back from the blessings of God in our life is the commonly underrated sin of 'disobedience' 

Jesus' mother was able to advice the disciples that, whatever Jesus tell them to do, they should do it.. 

And the only command Jesus gave them was only to fetch water, humanly speaking if they refuse to fetch water they have not sinned, but it is a great sin unto God. 

God told moses to use his rod to touch the rock, but he smashed the rock with the rod... One way or the other, we will agree that the purpose is just for the rod to have an impact on the rock... But not doing things the way God wants it is a great sin. 

These type of sins will not actually lead us to hell, but will eventually make our life and living miserable. 

What has God told you to do, and you are not doing it?, some people are told to join the choir, or usher or even welfare department but they refuse, 

Has God told you to preach to someone or to deliver a message to people, maybe by vision or prophecy? But because  of fear you didn't? 

Has He told you not to embark on a journey, but because you have made up your mind you did? 

Did He ever say you should not marry someone, but because of your love for him or her you followed your heart? 

Was it ministry God is calling you into that you don't want to yield? 

Your refusal on these commands will not actually make you miss heaven, but will make your life miserable and destroy the purpose of God for your life. 

Moses didn't get to the promise land because of disobedience. 

Adam and Eve were sent out of a beautiful place 

Samson died a miserable death for following his heart 

Gehazi inherited leprosy for his generations. 

Saul was rejected because he took what God asked him not to take. 

You may live a holy life, keep all commandments against well known sins, and dedicate your life for the service in the house of God, but still disobeying simple and little instructions of God. 

This may be the hindrance to your long awaited prayers. 

Check your life today and make amends. 

Whatever He ask you to do, do it, for it is for your own good. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for  another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, forgive me for every of my act of disobedience towards your words in Jesus name.

3. Help me to obey your words to to the latter in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.