Protect your health

1 Kings  19:7 And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.  19:8 And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God.

Man was created with a physical body, endowed with the spirit of God, the spirit in us is feed by the constant reading and understanding of God's word, while our physical body is feed by food

Each person has responsibility to continually check and maintain good health of our mortal body if actually we want to live abundant life promised by God.

It is very obvious today that many only feed their spiritual life while neglecting the place of their physical health.

The angel told Elijah to eat, and drink, in other to have the strength to walk a long journey, he was not looking for some kind of spiritual power that will make him to just disappear and reappear at a place... Not that it is not possible, but God will not do what you can do...

Many would have lived long and reach a very old age God has designed for them, but for the fact that they are too careless with thier health, and only careful of spiritual life, their body became weak to the point of not being able to withhold it any longer.

When we are faced with one sickness or the other, most people quickly run to church or prophets for Healing (not that it is not good) but have you tried your best to reach out to the medical personnel?  Not every sickness needs spiritual dose of medication.

God has given man knowledge to know and to Understand certain things about medications and healings... In some parts of the Bible they are called physicians...

The woman with the flow of blood had done everything possible with medicine, then she realize its not natural, You only activate the supernatural when the natural has already been exhausted

Maintaining good health includes Eating health (What you eat is closely linked to your health), Get regular exercise., Lose weight if you're overweight, Protect your skin and regularly go on medical checkup.

As for many ministers of God who are so devoted to ministrations, fasting and the likes... Take time to always rest, refresh your body and get balance again so you can be able to function more for God...

Many are dead today, not because their time is ripe, or because of one spiritual attacks, but because they are too careless with their body.

Your physical body is the career of your soul and spirit... Don't joke with it as much as you don't joke with your spirit being.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, Help me not to be ignorance of my health in Jesus name.

3.  Help me to live abundantly according to your promise in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.. amen.