Jesus Christ gave a standing ovation.

Acts  7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,

After the pentecost experience, the apostles had imparted miraculous gifts to Stephen, he was one of the original seven men chosen by the church to minister to the widows. 

Being full of faith and power, he didn't hesitate to speak and  preach the truth of the word of God, which were consequently accompanied by great signs and wonders 

A group of people from the synagogue, holding unto the law of moses were vexed with his ministry, claiming he speaks blasphemy against God and their father Moses.  He was arrested and about to be stoned death.

Though faced with death, Stephen would not be intimidated, because he was filled with the Holy ghost, God allowed him to miraculously see into heaven, He saw God's glory and Jesus Christ standing beside the Father

Jesus stood up for this special martyr for the Christian faith. He gave a standing ovation, ready to welcome home a faithful, truthful and worthy servant,

Stephen was the first disciple to be martyred for preaching the Gospel of Christ Jesus, and He was the first Jesus gave a standing ovation for, as a "welcome back home" ceremony...

No wonder Stephen couldn't feel the natural pain of the stones casted at him... No wonder his spirit has already been united with the heavenly even before his death because the glory he saw was greater than the pain on his mortal body..

Dear reader...

When you shall near death, and your eyes shall close and forever not be opened, will Jesus give you a standing ovation?

You may not be like Stephen who peach from one place to another, you may not have the title of a pastor, evangelist, Bishop, apostle or whatsoever, but the life you are living presently, is it worthy of Christ to give you a standing ovation when you shall close your eyes in death?

Some will be welcomed by the devil... he will rejoice and be happy that you finally make it to hell, despite your supposed "Christian" life.

Don't deceive yourself any longer, Christ knows those who belong to Him, and he's ever ready to welcome them home when their time is up.

There is still time to make amends, and register your name in the book of life.

You may be a Christian and still live a life of sin.. For the Bible says all unrighteousness is sin before God.

Change your ways for you to receive a standing ovation from Jesus Christ on the last day.

May you not regret ever coming to this world in Jesus name.

God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord I thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, Help me to live my whole life for you and you alone in Jesus name.

3. When I shall close my eyes in death from this world, let me open my eyes to see you in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name amen.