Just believe

Mark  5:36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.

Have you been at a crossed road seems no where to turn to? Just the the children of Israel at the Red sea. Behind them was the Egyptian forces, on both sides were mountain which can't be easily climbed 

But God instructed Moses to command the people to move forward, 

Ordinarily it's foolish to believe going forward is the best solution at that point in time, but it is the wisdom of God for deliverance. 

The man who spent forty-eight years at the pool of Bethesda was suddenly told by Jesus to pick up his mat and walk..., there should be a contradiction to the words of Jesus as how possible is a man who has not walked for many years to just stand up by himself.  But the man believed and acted on the word. 

The first solution to most of our problems is to believe in Christ Jesus, trusting Him that he is capable of helping us irrespective of 'unwise' instruction he may give us. 

No wonder the mother of Jesus told his disciples that whatever He commands them to do, they should do it. Knowing fully well that they may not understand a simple instruction He will give. 

Fear at times has filled our heart to the point of forgetting how powerful our saviour is, Jesus told the ruler not to be afraid but to just believe that his child will live again 

What has God told you to do and you think how possible is it for God to work through that way? 

God uses foolish things to disturb the wise most time just to prove that He is God... If not, how can five loaves of bread and two fishes feed five thousand souls and more?, or how can the head of an axe float at the moment a stick was thrown into the river? 

Don't seems to be wise before your saviour, believe in Him, and wait for your salvation. 

Christ is the way, the truth and life, believing in Him will break quicker solutions to your daily problems. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord thank you for a day like this in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, Help me to trust and believe in you in Jesus name. 

3. Lord, strengthen my faith in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.