As commanded by God.

Ezekiel  37:7 So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.

Prophet Ezekiel experienced a supernatural communication with God in a valley full of dry bones. 

He was asked if those bones could live again... He answered, "only you Lord knows", because he recognized and understand that only God has the key to life and death.. 

His answer ushered in the command to prophecy unto the bones, and suddenly the bones gathered themselves together... 

Verse 7 of the chapter revealed that prophet Ezekiel didn't prophecy according to his own purpose, but he said, "so I prophecy as I was commanded". He did purposely as he was commanded 

This is a very great lesson for us to grab as believers In Christ, minsters of the gospel, and Co-pilgrims of eternal kingdom. 

God have a specific way of doing things for many of His servants in tune past and present, as many that do it according to the instructions will be highly exulted. 

The word of God you received, are you preaching it the same way you are commanded?, or it has been manipulated to suit your own desires? 

Do people still listen to the undiluted words of God from your mouth or you have diluted it as as to become acceptable by many without getting attacked? 

The righteousness and holiness commanded by God, has it not been edited in several ways in other to make you have your way in the society? 

 unwholesome arrogance has become  "no nonsense attitude",
 pride has become  "the King's child's royal behaviour", 
 Business and official cheating has become  "Godly wisdom",
  Unrighteousness becomes "witty smartness" 

God gave you a prophecy to declare against wickedness, but because of fear and natural gain, you polish and manipulate it, so as not to provoke the recipient... 

God's anger is at the door, on whose over does against His words and His Will. 

Moses was stopped from getting to the promised land.. 
Saul's kingdom was divided for incomplete obedience to the words of God. 

Check your life, how are you handling the commands of God in your life. 

It will do you no good if you keep struggling with God's words in your life. 

Time is now to change. God bless you. 

Prayer Key:

1. Lord thank you for today in Jesus name

2. Lord I ask for forgiveness, for in several ways I have not harkened totally to your words 

3. Help me to trust you and obey your will as you expect in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.