Doubt, a Disease

Matthew  14:31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

The story of Jesus and Peter walking on water started from verse twenty-two of the same chapter. Jesus had first bid His disciples to go ahead of Him, while He departed to a mountain to have a short prayer.

Through the night the disciples battled with the wind which was contrary to the ship, they were disturbed and very afraid, not until Jesus appeared to them on the sea.

The presence of Jesus on the sea at first increased their fear, for they knew not who was on the sea. They rather suggested its a ghost... But Jesus comforted them by revealing himself to them.

That alone gave them peace and joy, as they know Jesus have power both in the Spiritual and the physical.

Peter's limited faith in the power of Jesus manifested since he asked that Jesus command that he also walk on the water. And Peter did walk on water.

In verse thirty, his faith began to waver because he took his eyes off Jesus, his fear overpowered his faith, and thus, he began to sink rapidly.

When he  lost his focus on Jesus, and focused on the environment, he lost faith in the power of Jesus sustaining him on the water...

As much as God has given you His promises, words and visions of greatness, good health, success and long life, why then do you doubt Him?

Many of us have the presence of God with us all along, but we are so much filled with doubt if actually He will help or capable of helping us...

Jesus stretched out his hand to save peter, in the midst of stormy trials, all  men should reach for the outstretched hand of Jesus.

For lack of faith and doubt, Peter failed to continue walking on water, the more you doubt the promises and words of God, the more you will continue to sink in the storm of life... Except you cry to the Lord and build up your faith in Him.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you a blessed day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, help me to trust you with all my life in Jesus name.

3. Lord, I cry to you in the middle of the storm, save me lord in Jesus name. Amen.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.