Give God the wheel

Psalms  71:12 O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help.

This morning  while in the office I heard an unusual sound which seems like car collision, I rushed outside to take a view of what is happing, lo and behold it was an accident, a young brother was the driver,  thank God there was no casualty. People gathered to ask what really happen, he said ... 'I slept off, I have been working since  yesterday with little or no rest'.

People console with him, but I wonder why he didn't give the wheel to a friend who they were together in the same car...

Do you know our life is just like the car... We Try to make ends meet, we try to make things right for our own good, thereby struggling to make a ballance, but at the point our strength becomes exhausted and we head for a collision. 

But do you know God has not created us to struggle with anything in life?, right from the creation of man. God first created everything man needs before creating man, just for man not to lack anything.

 Even after the fall of man caused by disobedient, God has never forsake man, He has always been the guide and guidance from one generation to another, but only those who give Him the chance in their life.

Peter was at the river, trying to make a catch all night, but could make any, it was down on him that, he has failed for that day... But when he surrender his expertise in fishing before God the owner of sea and fishes, the he was able to have a plenteous catch.

For how long will you Continue to struggle with your life..., for many years you have been struggling with a toxic relationship and marriage,  several times you want to make it right through your wisdom, but life has been the same.. Why not give God the wheel

Have you been struggling with getting a job, business expansion, life partner, fruit of the womb,? Why not give God the wheel, and see God on action

There is always peace and happiness when God takes the wheel of man's life, you need not to struggle with anything, all He does is to guide you through what you need to do..

Stop struggling today and give God the wheel, He never sleeps nor slumber (Psalm 121:4)

He  never disappoint.
God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, I'm tired of struggling, please take the wheel of my life in Jesus name.

3. Help me through where my strength has failed me in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.