Rapture Ready?

1 Thessalonians  5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

In a time of insecurity. Lawlessness and Banditry, many have sort for a means to secure themselves against any form of attack.

Politicians and many highly influential men have employ different kinds of security outfit, some will go with lots of convoy when moving from one place to another.

Some security measure certain people placed in their houses is so great that no matter the weapon used to attack the house, it will never penetrate.

All these are done just to guard  themselves against thieves, bandits, kidnappers etc. They are prepared and ready for any attack that may come thier way.

As a believer in Christ, are you rapture Ready?, are you guarding  your heart against spiritual bandits, kidnappers, and hired assassins?

The Bible says the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. It is not a time you will know, it is not a time you ever dream of, the day will come when you least expect.

As you are living your life, are you daily going out with the convoy of the Holy Spirit, word of God and faith?

Just like the Earthly kidnappers and bandits, the devil is looking for a way to penetrate into your life so as for you to lose that heavenly home.

In your service to God, are you rapture Ready?

At your place of work, are you rapture Ready?

In your neighbourhood, are you rapture Ready?

In your home, are you rapture Ready?

Always be prepared for that glorious day

If you think rapture will not coke soon. What about death?

People die everyday, every minute,  but are they in Christ?

No one knows when he/she will die, but the only regret in dieing is to die without having Christ.

Repent your ways today and be rapture Ready.. Either in death or in accession.

God bless you..

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another time like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, Help me to be rapture Ready in Jesus name.

3. Lord, Help me not to miss my home in you in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.