God's secret

Psalms  25:14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

God have secrets, in fact God keeps secret from generation to generations, as invisible as He is, there are mysteries about Him that cannot be unfold my human wisdom or knowledge.

In His kindness He gave opportunity for people desiring to know, to understand and to acquire full knowledge of Him.

The secret of the Lord is with them that feared him, those who acknowledge His sovereignty, those who honour His words.

It is not just accepting Him as Lord, it is not just obeying His word, it is not just doing His will, but the quest to know Him more , the thirst to get more acquainted with Him, the desire to go deeper in Him.

How could Moses have gotten the wisdom to write historical journal of the creation of the world after millions of years before he was born?... That's secret...

How could God took Enoch, Elijah away without dieing and buried?, ho, they acquire a key to the secret room of God.

Genesis  18:17 And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;.... Wow, God himself acknowledge Abraham to be worthy of knowing His secret agenda against the land of Sodom and Gomarah....

There are men and women who had walked with God and have acquired the key to the secret room of God, they don't struggle in life, they Understand the moves of God at every season.

Do you only desire to be saved and die in Him, or you desire to go deeper in Him to the level of knowing most of His mysteries?

Just as God showed moses what had happened in the past from the begining of heavens and Earth, also He showed John the beloved what will happen in the end of the days... Ho what a God..

Those who God showed His secret room are not spiritual beings that descended from heaven, they are men and women like you and I, they people who gave all their lives to God for His use... They are those who fear Him with all their life.

You also can become one of God's cabals. It is not rocket science, it is achievable when all your desires and want is focused on Him and Him alone.

God has secrets, and its only revealed to those who fear Him diligently.

God bless you.

Prayer key :

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, please, I don't want to be 'just Christian' I want to go deeper in you in Jesus name.

3. Lord, Help me to fear you with all my life on Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.