Be an example of Christ

1 Timothy  4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Believers in christ are categorised as the disciples of Christ, followers, and at some instance given the name Christians, because they portray the characteristics of Christ Jesus in their words, conversation and in spirit.

It is very sad and hard to actually distinguish between the true  believers in  Christ and name carrier... Many claim to be Christian or so to say believers in Christ, but when you check their life very closely, their way of life speak opposite.

Apostle Paul  admonish Timothy in his letter, that if we sure came to follow Christ then, we should show off the fruit of a true believer in Christ through...

One: in our words,  our words is a very great weapon that is capable of defining our present and our future, the Bible says 'our of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speak', Whatsoever that will come out of our mouth should be godly, and not vain words or  evil... Life and death lies in the words we speak... Colossians  4:6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Two: in conversation, similar to our words, many only act holy in churches but when it comes conversations with friends, colleagues at work or school, then you begin to doubt their salvation in Christ, they are the type that give wrong advices, they are of the slang "it doesn't matter",  "God is not a wicked man" even when they know those advices are sinful to their believes in Christ.

 Three: Charity, interchangeably used as love, God as commanded us to love one another even our enemy just as Christ loved us when we were yet sinners.. We should show for Christ's love everywhere we go, this is the evidence of Christ living in us.

Three: sprit, no one can actually sever God in the flesh and experience the fullness of God. Those that will serve him just serve him in spirit, because he is sprit... Our canal mind cannot understand and discern the mind of God as we should be...

Four :  in Faith, without faith, no one can see God. It is very hard to believe in someone you don't actually see, but with God, faith is the tool to get connected with Him, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.(Hebrews  11:1)... Exercise your faith and see God in action.

Five: purity,  most Christians only appear godly on Sundays, putting on 'holy apparel' but for the rest of the days, their life becomes a temple of sin... Of fornication, lies, deceit, adultery etc,  the youth also are  deeply sinking in impurity, in dressing without sense of modesty.

Our Christian life, shouldn't just be by answering the name after Christ but most be evidence in everything about us, in spirit, actions and reaction.

Get yourself right with God and stop deceiving yourself. Be a true example of Christ. 

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, help me to live my life as a true believer in  you in Jesus name.
3. Guide my life according to your will in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.