The messed-up Cup

2 Corinthians  5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

At the place of work, He gave me two cups that belongs to him, and went away... Several years passed, I decided to go meet him at his residence, I was happy and joyful that I will see my boss once again.

Before I left I decided to pack my luggage (for I'm staying long) , picked up one of the two cups my boss left with me (actually it's the only cup I used out of the two) I set on the journey and arrived safely.

At evening when everyone gathered at the table, as I sat, I noticed my cup was placed before him it's the very cup he decided to use, I was surprised that of all cups in his house, why chose the one I brought?, truthfully I didn't use the cup well, it was roughly used that even if you use hypo to wash it, it won't be clean..

He looked at me with anger and said , "Why did you mess-up my Cup?, no wonder I didn't reserve the cup of 'Godwin' (Godwin is the name of his best and inseparable friend) with you".

I was full of shame, and sorrow, I was shedding tears while standing as I didn't  have anything to say, His words paralysed the whole vein In my body...

Dear reader this is the vision the Lord showed me..

He said I should tell you, why are you messing up the cup of grace He had given you?

Why are you messing up the cup of gifts and talents, he has placed in your hands..

The Lord said why are you messing up the grace embedded in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ His son

He said no wonder he reserved the 'cup of Godwin' , the cup of signs and wonders from many, the cup of riches and wealth, the cup of fame and honour, the cup of long life and prosperity, the cup of answered prayers.... Because they will mess it up

For you not to stand in shame before Him on the last day

For you not to stand in tears and sorrow on that day.

It is time for you to use the grace he had given you well for His glory

Christ death and resurrection is not meant to be messed-up with consistent and deliberate sins

It is not to be messed-up with pride, anger, hypocrisy, backbiting, lies fornication, adultery etc.

God will not take it lightly with you that day, 

As a pastor, pastor well 
As a teacher, teach well 
As a prophet, prophecy well 
As a choir sing  well to His glory 
As an usher, usher well 
Whatever God has commited into your hands, do it well. 

A day is coming when you will stand before him...
Will your cup be sparkling clean as he gave it to you?
Will your Robe be as white as snow?

Check your life today, for you will make an account before him one day.

(this vision is true and holy, a mirror to the wise) 

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, forgive me for messing up your grace

3. Lord help me to live a life worthy of you in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.