Easter without the life of Christ

Romans  8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

Jesus didn't die because he wants to perform a trick to the disciples

Jesus didn't  die because he was tired of life

He didn't die because he was acting a movie, probably given a sleeping tablet. 

Jesus died once for you not to die twice, He lived after death for you to live forever 

Your act of soberness during Easter period is not enough than to have an unbroken relationship with Him. 

Crying over the death of Christ during this period is not enough than to cry for your soul, picturing  where you will spend your eternity 

The purpose of this period is to have a reflection of your life from when you have not accepted Christ, the journey to the redemption of your soul and your present relationship with him. 

Truthfully we have a wonderful encounter and heartbreaking experience when Jesus saved our soul, but do we still have that peace in us as a child of God, is the same Christ we claim to have given our life to as Lord is still the same Lord? 

Is your life a true replica of the reason Christ died on the cross? 

Is your life not sinking in fornication, adultery, lies, deceit, killings, hatred malice, hypocrisy  etc? 

As a pastor who will preach today, is your life in the ministry a true representation of the life of Christ?, though people do not see your inner motives, as it is covered with your fame, sweet sermons and act of giving... But do you know there is someone who see and know all? 

Even as many, after  celebrating  the death of Christ today  will still go back to sin and fulfil the will of the flesh... What then is the  purpose of the celebration? 

Celebrating Easter without the life of Christ is a waste of time and resources. 

If Jesus doesn't come soon, you will go to meet Him soon, either ways, how sure are you He will welcome you home.? 

Hebrews  9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:  you can make changes to anything you do in this world, but once you die, all the records of your life becomes uneditable. 

The blood of Jesus is still very effective to wipe away your sins now, a day is coming when it will be no more effective. 

Repent for Jesus is coming soon. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name. 

2. Lord I pray, let your death not be in vain over my life in Jesus name. 

3. Lord, purge me of every sin that fight against my soul in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus christ name. Amen.