What are you seeing?

Exodus  3:2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

There is the tendency for man to look and not see. Have you discovered that if ten different people independently study a passage of a book from the bible, they would likely see different things when asked what they saw? 

Has your attention ever been called to a certain structure or caption along the major road you have severally plied for years, which you have hardly noticed? This should help you to understand the question, ' what are you seeing with the' eyes' of God? '

Moses was pastoring the sheep of his father-in-law when he unexpectedly bumped into the scene of the burning bush. God wanted him to see something spectacular beyond the mere burning Bush. 

His destiny was hidden behind it. Any other person could have looked at the scene as ordinary, and thereby miss the great vision deeply rooted behind it. But God's grace and spiritual sensitivity helped Moses to see what God wanted him to see. 

When Jesus took the three disciples to the Mount of transfiguration, He wanted them to see beyond His transfiguration and the appearance of Moses and Elijah (Mathew 17:1-8). They obviously didn't understand this, as they preferred staying up there in the euphoria of the vision. 

What are you seeing in sermons, Bible studies, Gospel films, bible reading, devotional materials, Sunday school, fasting and prayer, mission trips, etc.? 

When the children of Israel were seeing the red sea, moses was seeing a dualized express way. 

When Joseph was seeing himself as a prisoner, God was seeing a prime minister 

When the disciples were seeing five loaves of bread and two fishes,  Jesus Was seeing multiples of bread and fishes enough to feed five thousand men excluding women and children and still have twelve baskets leftover. 

When people are seeing a casting down, God is seeing a lifting up 

When you are seeing debt, God is expecting you to see wealth 

What you see determines what you perceive, which in turn informs what you conceive and eventually receive. 

Check your spiritual sight. 
God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, make me spiritually sensitive enough to see only what you want me to see in situations and programs around me in Jesus Christ name 

3. Holy ghost fire, consume every satanic veil disturbing me from seeing all you want me to see in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.