Heavenly Father

Matthew  7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Yearly, father's day is being celebrated throughout the world in appreciation for their selfless love, sacrifices and dedication to the wellbeing of the home.. 

Being a father is beyond getting a woman pregnant and having a child, it goes beyond having a child named after one, being a father is standing up to responsibilities, and doing everything possible for His children and the home to succeed. 

There are many fathers today being celebrated, biological fathers, adopted fathers, morally inclined fathers and also spiritual fathers. They all feature in our life journey to add value to our destiny. At some point, God raised many to guide us through the way according to His purpose and will. 

As much as earthly fathers cares  about their children, they can not measure to the love and care of our heavenly father. Earthly father can abandon, disappoint and disown their own children. 

Many can become a thorn in the life of many children while some fathers can even murder their children for selfish reasons. But our heavenly father, so compassionate and loving will never leave nor forsake us as long as we are inclined with Him. 

He begat us through His might power of creation and gave us all we would ever need, life, food, beautiful garden and security. But our sin separated us from Him. 

When Joseph was abandoned by his father and brothers, it was the heavenly father that looked up to him, all through His life experiences, God the heavenly father was right their with Him. 

When David was forgotten in the bush even by his earthly father, it was the heavenly father that sort him out and made Him king. 

Our heavenly father has all riches in abundance, physically and spiritually only if you obey His will and follow His commandment. 

Your earthly father can abandon you, die when you never expected, but God in heaven will always be with you now and even till eternity. 

Come back to him if you have gone astray through sin, accept Him as your father today through the first born by whom we become joint heirs.  He is waiting for you now.  

God never fails even if all the fathers in the world fail.

God bless you. 

Payee key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive all the fathers who has forsaken their responsibilities in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, I come before you today, be my father now and always in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.