Do not Abandon God

Hebrews  3:12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

One of the menaces of the end time is backsliding and spiritual draining. Most Christians are fast forgetting the faithfulness and love of God.

Many wouldn't have had the thought of giving up on God if not for situations that seems to be beyond their control. Situations like financial difficulties, martial challenges, prolong sickness, unanswered prayers, prospering unbelievers while believers wallow in poverty among others.

For these reasons many has began to give up on God whom they thought is unable or impotent to deliver in times of their individual troubles.

The Deception of the devil is to keep bringing this thought into the heart of a believer until he/she yields to it. The spirit life will become derailed and the wall of defence will become broken which will eventually give the devil the chance to begin his attacks.

Do not abandon God no matter what.

Being in God does not mean challenges will not come, it does not not mean hard times will not cross our paths, as much as we are in this earth realm, our life is subjected to the circumstances of this world which is governed by the devil, but the Lord promised to walk us through it and giving us victory at the end. The walk may take longer that we can ever expect. Reason for patience and faith.

Joseph experience one of the greatest ordeal in the scripture, he was sold out by his own blood brothers, became a slave, lied to and sent to prison. All he experienced should made him abandon the God of his father, but he didn't, he later became victorious, and his latter days was more beautiful than before. 

Hannah knitted her trust, faith and patient with God, despite all the mockery and shame she received from her rival for many years, her patience paid off, and was gifted Samuel and latter other children. She never for once refuse to journey to shiloh until the day of her victory. 

What are you going through that seems you want to give up on God?, what is that problem that is pushing you to the point of abandoning God?, all you are going through is little in what many has gone through and they become victorious... 

Stand strong, shake off yourself, be courageous, look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith, your victory is near, don't give up... Go back to that altar of prayer, sing that song of victory, be instant, do not be afraid or dismay, because your time of waiting is over and your testimony has arrived. 

God will never disappoint or abandoned you... He is working out the best  for your life. Although weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2.  Lord, don't allow me to call it a quit with you in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me the grace to be strong in faith and patience so as not to mean my victory in you in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.