God boast about Job

Job  1:8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? 

God our maker sometimes delights himself in the things He has made, such was the his satisfaction after the creation of man, it was said everything God created was good and he rested the third day.  What more joy comes from a man's work that yield success?. 

The same act of delight made God to brag about job before Satan the accuser, Job's act of righteousness,   blameless (Free from blame; without fault; innocent; guiltless) ,  holiness, uprightness 
(Of good morals; practicing ethical values)  and fear for God is not going unnoticed before God and the Satan himself. 

In other to derive more pleasure in his worthy creation, God draws the attention of Satan towards Job, meanwhile Stan must have attempted to attack job, but his act of righteousness and faith towards God becomes a shield. (Job  1:8-10) 

In an affirmative response, God gave Satan the privileged to attack Job only excluding his life. (job 1:12)

Indeed  Job was a blessed man 
 Job was blessed with:
1. Three daughters
2. Seven sons
3. Seven thousand sheep
4. Three thousand camels
5. Five hundred yoke of oxen
6. Five hundred female donkeys
7. A very large household
8. He was the greatest man in the east.. 

But none of the above has meaning before Satan, he knows all the blessings are the root of his survival contrary to God's claim. Satan destroy his wealth which could serve as a means of man’s survival, destroying every of his animals and farm produce.

He  never stop but proceeds further to kill all of Job’s children who he knows for sure are his heritage. But still Job did not fail God.

Finally he inflict him with sickness which can make any man renounce his creator, but Job faint not, he never denied God. (Hallelujah)

His faithfulness was tested, His love for God was tested And Above all, he made God proud, and adds to the credits of God.

The question you are asked today is, can God boast about your life before Satan? 

The way you live your life now,
The way you talk
Your relationship with people around you,
Your character with your co-workers, can all this makes God to boast about you?

Are you worthy enough to be significantly identified by the God of the whole universe?

God is looking for those He will trust
God is looking for those that will stand the test of time
God is looking for those that will not renounce their faith due to temporal challenges they face
God is looking for those that will curse the devil to his face.
God is looking for those who will love Him, not for what He gives, but for that He is.

God is looking for those who will stand in integrity in the places of business, finances, politics, health, education among others. 

God is looking for those He will be boast of anytime any day. 

God is looking for men and women He will be proud of, 
God is looking for those He can entrust His blessings to,  
God is looking for those that will stand with,  for and  in Him,  in this perverse  generation. 

Check your life, if God should allow Satan to lay his hand on you in order to test your faith, will. You still stand? 

If not, make a decision today, else, you have no place with God. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name 

2. Lord, help me to live a life that gives glory to you always in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help my faith in you, help me to stand the test of time in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.