The flesh on the altar

Matthew  21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,  21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

An altar is a raised area in a house of worship where people can honour God with offerings. Back in the old testament when God was directing the affaires of men without any proxy, He specifically direct men to establish altars as a place of sacrifice through which men can worship Him.

After the Exodus God demands the establishment of an altar where sacrifices can be made, a place of holies of holy where only an ordained priest by God can walk up to  and make sacrifice.

In latter times, Temple was  built where God's people can serve Him in faith and in truth. They go on sabbath days to hear the words of God  and engages in the act of worship necessary as ordained by God for himself and others

Many worship centers has been built with altars erected in them to serve as a sacred place, and platform for minsters if God to use. And God has indeed proved himself to be among his people

But today,  carnality and flesh has taken over the  altar of God, a place that suppose to be a worship center for God where sacrifices of praise, love, kindness faith and hope are being offered has now become a market place of hatred, anger, bitterness, hypocrisy, jealousy among others.

Different kinds of flash on the altar in this generation

The flesh off witchcraft and sorcery

In time past the altar of God is the temple of worship has been known to be sacred, full of power of God, but to today, most altars are founded on witchcraft and sorcery, many are controlled by demonic powers from the coven of darkness. Truly there will be signs and wonders which the people longed for, but they are all. Manipulated by the devil. Messages of salvation will be lost, because a house cannot be divided on itself. And the people who worship in such tabernacle found themselves in perpetually bondage of darkness. To come out will be very difficult except for the grace of the living God.

The flesh of the love of money/prosperity

1 Timothy  6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Many minsters today have erred from the teachings of the kingdom to that of prosperity.  It is not that God does love his children to prosper but it should not be coveted so it does not override the love for God and the kingdom, else the devil will give reaches and wealth and take away the righteousness of God that lives in us.

The flesh of sexual immoralities

Sexual immoralities has become the order of the day, people see them spitting fire on the altar yet in secret engages in the same sin they preached against. People thinks it is the spirit of God moving on the altar whereas it is just gift.  They knew not that the Lord has left them. The spirit of God can never dwell where there is immoralities of any kind.

The flesh of ego
The quest to become known, famous and influential is what many ministers run after today, many do not want to start little as God's will, they wanted to boom withing a seconds, and when God elevated them to a certain level to be known by many, they raise their ego, no one can correct them, and they are always wise in their own sight. The altar in which such minsters operate can never accommodate the presence of God Jehovah

Many will be Persecuted for their wrong representation of the Gospel of Christ

We shout and cry against the enemy without while our own body had turn against itself and began to bleed to death

No wonder there is no true revival of salvation, we only hide in the signs and wonders done through our gift or the influence of the devil.

The spirit of God can never move on our altar if there flesh and carnality of witchcraft, sexual immorality, love of money, ego and the likes are being destroyed.

Believers should be careful and be spiritually conscious of the kinds of altar they worship at. Many and full of evils.

As many who has a polluted altar, the time of repentance is now, tomorrow may be too late, the anger of God is coming on those who refuse to change.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, saturate your altars all over with righteousness in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, expose every carnality on the altars in the church in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.