Be God's gift to Others

1 Corinthians  12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

Your birth in this world is a gift, not just to your parents but to the whole world. And now that you are a child of God (Spiritual Birth), your value to the World is unquantifiable.

Imagine you are cleaning out your messy closet, and there you find a beautiful gift a friend had given you months earlier. Both of you were thrilled, then, at the giving and reviving. Yet, somehow, in the busyness of life, the gift became buried underneath your "stuff", hidden and unused.

Now picture how disappointed your friend would be if he or she knows you hadn't continued to treasure it. Imagine how God feels when you burry the gift He graciously gave you to benefit yourself, those around you and the body of Christ.

God saved and graces you with His spiritual gift(s), Jesus came, lived, ministered and died as God's most precious gift to mankind. And because you believed it, you have become profitable by it. Yet you, as Christ's continuous gift to the world, are busy with the vanities of life. It's time to live (first priority) as God's gift to others, for He still count on you.

You are the salt of the earth and the spiritual light in your community. Use your spiritual gift today to bring smiles, healings , and hope to the world around you that people may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.

Go, start right away. Somebody around you needs what God has placed in you. Be sensitive, responsive and responsible. Who knows, maybe the gift of God in you is the solution to your family problem, community problem, nation or the world at large.

Is yours  word of wisdom (counselling), word of  knowledge, gifts of healing, working of miracles;  prophecy;  discerning of spirits;  divers kinds of tongues;  interpretation of tongues: intercession or giving... Use it for the glory of God and never hurd it.

Don't be like the foolish servant who buried his gift till the master's return.

God bless you.

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today and the spiritual gift you have given me in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to use my gift for your glory as you so desire in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, wake up all believers with divers of spiritual gift who has slept and slumbered in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.