Do not Lie

Exodus  20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Some years  ago when I was looking for a job in a tech industry, a superior in the Organisation was contacted on my behalf and he asked of my age. I told him but his response was that  I'm too way above the set age for those required. 

In other to get me employed, he offered an option which is to backdate my year of birth, all I need is to swear in the court of law and my employment will be perfected.

As easy as it seems, considering the juicy package that comes with the office I'm to take, I was about falling for the offer when the spirit of God told me.. "even if I want you to work in that Organisation, you have failed me already and you will never succeed if you proceed  further". I had to drop it. 

Lies is one of the cancer that eat up our spirit body,  Exodus 20:16 is a clear directive from YAHWEH. It is one of the 10 commandments given to the Israelites through Moses, from the mountain of God. The clear import of the commandment is, don't lie. Why did God gave this commandment? 

Firstly, God wants His people to tell the truth when they speak, this was to help them maintain dignity of individuals and not be aligned with the devil the father of lies. Devil was the originator of lies and he uses it to trap many into his prison. 

Secondly, God wants to protect us from being falsely accused. He does not like it if anybody lies about you, for it hurts and if you feel that way, so does God. 

Lying against another person automatically expose you to being lied against, because Nemesis can't be escaped. God would allow you to taste of the same pill you serve others, and a painful one it would be. God does not want you to go through that, because He cares for you than you do. 

The sin of lie will keep you in prison of truth, it will make your spirit imbalance at the smell of truth, the more you keep mute, the more you sink deeper  in the pit and it becomes more difficult for you to come out. 

Lies breaks trust when exposed by the truth, it has destroy marriages, broken long time friendship, it has taken jobs and livelihood of many away including their integrity. 

ARE YOU A LIAR? have you told a lie about your age and other matters? Have you sworn falsely or serves as a false witness in the past? 

Remember, there is no "Holy lie", God hates it. Repent, liars are in the path to hell and sometimes premature death. 

Everything you build with lies will eventually be destroyed the moment truth reveals it... 

Tomorrow may be too late... Speak the truth, free yourself from the prison of lie...  

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1., Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, deliver me from the spirit of presumptuous and impulsive lying in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, I redirect my life to you, afresh. Let your spirit of truth and holiness take over my entire life in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.