God's Instructions

Proverbs  12:1 Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.

Instructions are detailed information about how something should be done or operated. In contemporary life, every student who wants to progress to another level is given an examination, no matter how cheap or easy it may be. The student still has to follow the detailed instructions given. Refusal to follow the instructions will definitely result in failure.

Every work of God in the life of any man always comes with detailed instructions to follow. This always confirms the obedience of man to God's words.

God often gives us rules and commands in His word. They’re not suggestions; they’re commands, but He doesn’t always explain why. He wants you to do them out of faith. Sometimes they sound unfair. They sound like they’re meant to cramp your style, that God is some kind of killjoy, that He’s limiting you. For instance, the Bible is very clear: no sex outside of marriage.

A lot of these commands don’t make sense from a human standpoint. But God says to do them. It’s a matter of trust. So then the big question is, will I be blessed by obeying what God said to do even when I don’t understand it, or by making up my own set of rules because I know more than God?

There’s no question about that.

Obedience is a demonstration of faith. Obedience unlocks the key to all of God’s blessings in life. God promises to reward you if you’ll just follow His directions.

When you know what God wants you to do, when you know what the will of God is, and you do it, the blessings that come after it will be with peace, joy, and gladness, rather than when you follow your own self-will and later regret it.

Proverbs 13:1 says, "A wise son hears his father's instruction, but a scorner hears not rebuke." It is unwise for any believer in Christ to reject God's instruction for their life. It is outrightly being a betrayal of whom you chose to follow.

No one can ever succeed in God without fully following His detailed instructions. Don't be foolish to disobey.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for disobeying your instruction in the past and present in Jesus Christ name 

3. Lord, grant me the grace to obey all your instructions in my life in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.