You cannot be cursed

Numbers  23:20 Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it.

The historic conquest of the Israelite on their journey from Egypt to the promised land has received free advertisement. Their fame has gone  ahead of them to the Palestinian region. 

Fear had gripped the canaanite and surrounding counties, for they saw no one who could defeat the armies of Israel. "when God is on your side, no battle of life can defeat you". 

Out of fear, Balak, the king of moab sought for a well known religious personality to curse the Israelites, even though moab was not among the countries to be destroyed by the Israelite. "when God is fighting for you, everyone will tremble at your presence" 

Balaam is known to be a prophet with a rear divine gift of the authority of the tongue, whatever he says will surely come to pass, he has the spirit of God dwelling in him, yet he was called to curse the children of God. "man can go extra mile to see that you fail or fall"

As much as God was not in support that Balaam should honour the invitation of Balak, but in his desire for the gifts offered to him, he went. 

It took God extra effort to change the words of his mouth from curses to blessings on four different occasions he had presented himself to curse the children of Israelite. "he who God has blessed, no man can curse. 

This victory and effort of God concerning the children of Israel didn't just come on the platter of gold, it was because the children of Israel were knitted unto God in obedience to His word, and living righteously in the cause of their journey. "as long as you cling yourself to the God Jehovah, no weapon formed against you shall prosper" . 

You cannot be cursed, because God himself has blessed you, you need not to be afraid of the devices of the wicked, no matter their effort to pull you down or make you suffer in life, they will always fail, only if you remain in God. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, give me the grace to remain in you always in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, expose every devices of the wicked concerning my life and family in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.