A living Sacrifice

Romans  12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 

A living sacrifice means that the entire person is given to God. It includes the dedication of the body  as well as the trans- formation of the inner being. We are to be set apart (“holy”) for the sole purpose of serving the Lord.

It is such that the natural response of the spiritually-minded individual who has come to know and appreciate the grace of God is given wholly to Him, both the body, soul and spirit. 

As the levitical law called for the total consumption of the burnt offering for sin upon the altar of sacrifice, so must Christians give their lives totally to God. 

You do not become a living sacrifice unto God and say your body does not matter before God but only your soul, as much as your soul is important, so also is your body and your whole being. 

By this, we must continually check our lives, because any part of our body and life can be a channel by  which Satan can penetrate into our life and steal our soul. 

Our life must be renewed daily, the committed mind is directed by the purpose that are higher than the material world and the ambitions of the selfishly driven hearts. The thinking of Christians should be the one that will last beyond the existence of this world. 

As you have identified yourself with Christ, have you sacrifice your totality unto God?, your body, the way you dress, walk, communicate, your desire, ambitions etc? 

You are yet to fully present  yourself as a living sacrifice unto God if you still keep any part of your life away from Him. 

What you keep away from God is capable of sending you to hell. Have a second thought and let the word of God burn through your whole life. Only by then, can you truly please Him. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus, Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for keep part of my life away from you in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to surrender my totality unit your will as a living sacrifice in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.