People's Influence

1 Samuel  13:11 And Samuel said, What hast thou done? And Saul said, Because I saw that the people were scattered from me, and that thou camest not within the days appointed, and that the Philistines gathered themselves together at Michmash;

After the second year reign of king Saul, the Israelite became offensive with the Philistines through Jonathan who smote the garrison of the Philistines. This brought about the Philistines gathering to fight against Israel 

When Israel saw the great army of the Philistines, they were so afraid that they hid in caves. There is a need for someone to boost their moral to fight despite they are farmers 

In view of this, Samuel was expected to make a sacrifice unto  God to seek God's counsel and to affirm their victory. King Saul had prepared all things needed for the sacrifice but Samuel tarried, reasons unknown. 

Saul then took into his own hands, he offered the sacrifice because the people were scattered. He gave an excuse to Samuel that the people couldn't wait any longer so he has to performed the sacrifice, although he did it reluctantly. 

Offering of sacrifice was not the duty of king Saul, he sinned against God, he did a foolish thing in breaking the commandment of the Lord, the consequence of Saul's deed was that there would be no kings coming from his lineage. That was the begining of his downfall as king in Israel. 

Because of people's influence, he couldn't wait for the priest of God, because he needed to please the people, he erred from the commandment of God. It was the greatest mistake of his life which cost his son, Jonathan of becoming king over Israel. 

What is influencing you against the will, purpose and plan of God for your life today?, 

Are you not influenced by your co-worker, boss, friends or associates in acting sinfully against the laws of God at your place of work? 

Have you not disobeyed the voice of God because you want to please people that seems to be the support of your ministry? Are you afraid that they  will depart from you or withdraw their support if  you tell them the commands of God undiluted? 

No amount of prayer or supplication was able  to reverse the words of Samuel, neither was Jonathan able to become king in Israel.  You put yourself at grater risk if you listen to the voice of the people better than the voice of God. 

Aron was influenced too, by making a golden calf to serve as the god that brought them out of Egypt. That singular act cost him the promise land. He didn't go beyond. 

As you begin a new month, don't be influenced by what people say as to work against God's plans in your life, don't be influenced by the circumstances around you which can change your godly Character.

 Stay on course with the Lord, no matter how long God may tarry in His promises, He will surly be on time.

God bless you.
Happy New Month 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, give me the grace never to listen to the voice of the crowd in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to stay on course with your plans for my life in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.