Self Denial

Luke  9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

For every believer to walk in line with the standard of God in this world, self denial is inevitable. Because of our fallen nature into sin in the garden of Eden, our life has been subjected to the affections of this world which fights against our soul.

Self denial is restraining oneself from an interest or needs, anyone who wish to quit smoking will have to engage in self denial, by restraining his body from any means by which he might think of smoking.

Many believers have found themselves back in the pit of sin where they have made vow before God and man never to visit. They thought having a new life in Christ will work magic in not living a life of sin.

Anyone  who chose to live above sin must be ready to crucify the  flesh and its affection, running away from any appearance of evil that may lure our heart back to sin.

Satan never sleep nor slumber, he always look for a means to bring temptations to the door step of our heart, the first possible of escaping this is to brindle our whole body which is the means by which he penetrates into our life. And after, we pray to the God for grace.

Eve could not deny her hunger to eat the forbidden fruit even after receiving a clear warning from God never to eat it. Her loitering around the forbidden tree gave Satan chance to engage her heart with lies in an attempt to eat the fruit. And he did succeed.

No matter your anointing, prayers may not stop temptations from coming to you, it is you that must flee from anywhere it may seek your attention.

You can live above sin, if you are ready to denial yourself of all lustful desires and thoughts that leads to sin. Cutting all ungodly relationships without regretting what it will cost you. Joseph choose to go to prison than to fornicate with his master's wife.

Self denial is a sacrifice everybody believers must make on the path to righteousness and holiness in God.

God bless you.

Prayer key

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, give me the grace to bridle my whole body in Jesus Christ name.

3. Help me Lord to flee from every appearance of evil that may lead me to sin in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.