Fasten your Seat belt

Ephesians  6:11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Not every believer in Christ care about the safety measures God has prepared for us that we should always employ, many of us will get into problems before we realise God's strict measures are not wickedness but an act of love which is for our own good.

I was in transit sometimes and the driver conveying us didn't put on the seat belt, he's not the only driver I have seen without using the seat belt, but his act during the journey caught my attention.

To him, he is a perfect driver (self confidence) and there is nothing that can happen... As we proceed, he sighted the traffic officers ahead, knowing fully well that he would be booked for not using the seat belt, he quickly fastened it, and after he drove pass them, he removed it again.. Reason that... Its a burden. (the habit of many drivers)

The truth is, the seat belt was not made with the car just to show the traffic officers, but it was made to save our life any time we encounter accident... In so many ways it has saved lives or reduce accident impact. Little did the driver know that the seat belt is for his own personal safety and not the traffic officers.

The driver's life style is the same with many believers, God has provided every safety measures to keep us safe in the journey of this life, but we often prove being self confident and thereby lose guard, we intentionally remove the seat belt thinking all is well.. But never know that there are thousands of ways devil can bring accidents to us even if we have a smooth road.

God has provided his words, righteous living, holiness and godliness, the ability to flee from sin and the lust of this world through the Holy spirit, but you only put on these seat belts when you sight trouble ahead... Then you run into prayer, disturb your pastor to help in prayer etc. The truth is, you are only deceiving yourself not God.

David removed his seat belt, and a tempting atmosphere was brought to his view, he couldn't resist, so he fell into it. The aftermath of that singular act brought calamity into his household. What about Samson, even Judas.

Ephesians  6:11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil..., every security measure in a car should be maintained if any driver will get home safe. The whole armour of God is a  must to be put on if you really want to get home(the kingdom of God) safe.

You may be fervent in prayer, but what about sexual immorality?

You may be a worker in the house of God, but what about gossips?

You may be seeing visions and have all sort of spiritual gift, but what about the hatred in your heart?

You may be living righteously and godly, but what about disobedience to God's simple instructions?

You can't get home safe when the devil comes to test your life.
Have a rethink today and let your life be preserved till the kingdom of God shall come.

Always fasten your seat belt as a believer.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to fasten my seat belt always in this journey to your kingdom  in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, let me not regret disobeying you in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. AMEN.