Greed almost ruined Lot

Genesis  13:11 Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other.

Lot was Abraham’s nephew, old enough to be Abraham’s son. God blessed him like He blessed Abraham. So much was their riches that the land they were could not contain them no longer.

However, covetousness soon intrinsically reared its ugly head in him at the point of making choice. Character is condensed into a single concrete act. He was not slow to seize the advantage offered him by Abraham’s generosity.

No sense of gratitude, and no rush of right  feeling, impelled him to reject the magnanimous offer. "Lot cast his eyes over the broad circle of Jordan where on both sides of the winding river lay the richest pasture lands of the country".

Lot has revealed some ungodly inherent traits... Anxiety, inordinate ambition and lack of respect for divine family structure(age)

It initially worked like magic, promising him infinite happiness and satisfaction. His ruling passion was covetousness. His eye became dazzled, his mind became  engrossed by the outward appearance of the land thing.

This passion of covetousness of his almost ruined him latter in life. The same destroyed the life of Gehazi after receiving gifts from Naaman with no respect for the command of his master. Elisha.

Covetousness is deadly, as you continue to live your life, beware of Lot's covetousness in everything.  Don't be influenced by the riches of the wicked or the circumstances you found yourself. Be contended with  what God has given you and the good works of your hand.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name 

 2.Lord deliver me from the attitude of pursuing all, only to lose all.

3. Lord, help me to be contended with all you have given me in Jesus Christ name. .

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.