Learning and Teaching

Proverbs  8:5 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.

When does the learner becomes the teacher? When do we know enough to Share our knowledge with others?

Many of us have had the pleasure and privilege of teaching, whether formally or informally. Whether in the classroom or in everyday life, we have experienced the joy of helping others learn.

Many of us have also noticed that as we teach, we often find that we learn the most, it seems there is always more to learn. Learning and teaching from a relationship that benefits both the learner and the teacher.

Often, of course, teachers feel as if they do not know enough to be able to teach. They may be intimidated by their students or by the material they are dealing with. Or they may  simply be aware of how much they don't know. Yet, a sense of our limitations should never keep us from sharing our knowledge and wisdom with others.

Proverbs has a healthy respect for the student and the teachers, recognising that both teacher and learner must have a teachable spirit. The wise person is always ready to learn   the fool is one who knows so much as to learn nothing.

In like manner is our life as a believer, God has raised us to be a witness to this generation, we grow more in the spirit when we keep revealing Christ daily  to those who are yet to know Him.

Many has been endowed with spiritual gifts which are expected to profit the body of Christ and the soul God has destined for such person, but like the unprofitable servant who buried his gift, many has horde their gifts, and instead for them to grow more, they began to depreciate. 

In the school of God, no one is an Highland of knowledge, age is not His prerequisite... Young David was able to teach King Saul what faith in God can do, Conelious was able to humble himself under the teaching of peter despite his wealth and position in the society. 

In your relationship with others, share your knowledge and wisdom respectfully. And as you do, you continue to grow in self-discovery and self-awareness both in the spirit and in the physical.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to share my knowledge with others according to your will in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, give me a humble heart to learn at when due in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.