Easy to see; Difficult to forget

Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

After God created the universe, He gave man a clear warning, satan soon came to tempt them.

In the cause of the temptation, he chose to attack the spiritual gate of the eyes, He manipulated Eve to look at the tree of Knowledge of good and evil the way she had never looked at it before, such that she saw what she hadn't seen before about the fruit, leading man to captivity.

Had she not seen the fruit before?, she must have seen the fruit before, but paying no attention. Then, the tempter came and argued her to look and pay attention to it. So she looked until some conclusions were reached in her heart.

Sin hardly committed by chance, fall is progressive.

Studies have shown that it is possible to look without seeing, being absentminded about the object. What man looks at and eventually sees goes down deep into his subconscious mind to control his life setting.

The same thing than happens to David who mistakenly looked the way the naked Bathsheba, but chose to see it. He paid dearly for his lack of self control.

Samson saw the damsel of the philistine and his heart could not withdraw from her even when he's not the will of God for his life. He pressured his parents to marry her to him. The aftermath was disastrous, his power was taken away and the medium through which he sees was taken and finally died with his enemy. 

Gehazi the prophet of Israel in the making, who is expected to be endowed with the double power of elisha and four times if Elijah could not take his eyes off the gifts Naaman brought after being healed. His covetousness grow wild till he got more than he saw. 

Guard the gates of your eyes against those corrupt scenes in movies, books, magazines, social media and live situations that are easy to see.

If you pay attention to them, it will be difficult to forget and sadly can destroy man's soul and destiny.

You cannot close your eyes while walking or Woking, buy you can withdraw your eyes from seeing that is a snare to your soul and a trap to destroy you.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for a day like this in Jesus name.

2.,lord, help me to shut the gates of my eyes and mind against every pollution around me.

3. In every way I have falling into trap by what I have looked unto, Lord save me from those bondage in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.