God is in Control

Exodus  14:14 The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

The verse above were the words of moses the servant of God to the children of Israel while coming out of Egypt.  When they got to the red sea and it seems all hope is lost. 

The soldiers of the Egyptians were coming behind, mountains were on their right and left side, there is absolutely no way of escape. They were perplexed and filled with fear, yet Moses told them to be calm that all will be well. 

How could moses have analysed the situation?  many of the Israelites would wonder what kind of magic moses will perform that will save over a million souls traveling on barefoot. It was a moment of total lost of hope. 

But in that moment, Moses was confident that God is in control, he didn't fret, he was filled with confidence that God's hand is not too short to save and deliver. Surely, God did make a way where they thought impossible. 

Are you in the same situation today? Where you thought all hope has been lost, you have prayed and fasted yet instead for God to come to rescue the situation became worse, you look around and it seems no one would help. I say to you, don't be afraid, God is in control 

You don't have to figure out everything, you may not know what the future holds. But as long as you know who holds the future, you are going to be ok.  God has been working behind the scenes in your life over the years. 

I don't know what He has in store for my future, but I know who holds the future and I'm excited about it. It gives me the confidence that God who created the heavens and earth, and hangs up the stars in space cares so much about you and me that He is constantly working for our good. 

The one who saves the Israelite from Egypt is still alive 
The one who saves the three Hebrews in a burning furnace is alive 
The one who protected Daniel in the lions den is not dead 
The one who gave Hannah a child is still alive 
The one who raised the sick of thirty-eight years is not dead 
The one who makes manner to rain on the wilderness is in control 

Don't give up, don't lose hope, God is in control of the situation in your life, he will save you and you will not be put to shame. 

In any situation you find yourself today, don't be discouraged, God is in control and things will turn out for your good, if you trust Him totally.

God bless you.

Pray key:
1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, I trust you that you are in control in my life's situations in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, as you have saved and delivered in the past, do it again in my so I will become testimony.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.