Badge of Honour

Revelation  21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

A badge is a piece of metal or cloth which you wear to show that you belong to an organization or support a cause. Also, it can be a prize given for an outstanding performance  especially in the military after a successful operation. 

As a believer in Christ Jesus, the moment we become born again is the movement we become enemy to this world, Christ Jesus has given us clues of what we would come across in the cause of defending the gospel. Matthew  10:22. 

These challenges and persecutions will eventually become our badges of honour if we endure till the end in trusting God and standing firm in His promises. 

No soldier who is determined to win a war will back off, nomatter how intense the war gets.. They fight til finish. You don't pray for rescue from the war that could orchestrate  your withdrawal, but you call for more supply of weapons and ammunitions in other to continue the fight

As a believer, you don't pray you do not  experience persecution, challenges, or temptations, they are bound to happen as long as you identify yourself with Christ and the living God. All you need is the grace to overcome. And at the end, you receive the badge of honour of an Overcomer. 

Stephen was Persecuted for preaching the gospel of truth to people, it was an honour unto him to have received a standing ovation from Christ, standing at the right hand of God the Father. 

Joseph did not compromise his faith in God by committing fornication with the wife of his boss, he rather chose to be a prisoner than enjoy the pleasure that last only minutes and sin against God.  His badge of honour was not that of a prisoner but of integrity. I'm pretty sure it was in his cv while standing before king pharaoh when interpreting dreams.

Your own badge of honour may come as a result of persecution from preaching the gospel, or denial of self and pleasure of this world, or suffering for the gospel, or the sacrifices you have made for the works of God or speaking the truth in an environment filled with lies and deceit. 

If you do not relent and endure to the end, you will surely receive the badge of honour, some you will receive along the journey, and some you will receive at the end of your life. 

You will sing it in a song, write it in a book, preach it as a sermon that will serve as an encouragement to those who will experience the same, Christ was first, then the disciples, followed by the early Church. Now the Barton has been delivered to us.

First the pain and challenges, before the badge of honour. Because, no blood, no glory.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to stand firm with you till the end in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, give me the grace never to compromise my faith in you in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.