Who is a Sinner?

John  8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I know  some of you reading this piece  here have been believers for over twenty years. Some have even worked for the Lord for over fifteen years.

My question can be considered as one of the ABCs of the Bible. Who is a sinner? I believe that many will quickly give an answer with numerous Bible references... But I'm sorry to state otherwise.

No doubt we all know the Bible says  in Romans  3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; but if you checked closely it was a past action that prompted the lost of the glory of God, the same also brought unto us the salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We have once lived in the darkness of sin, ignorant of the laws of God, but found grace in Christ

Today many Christians categorically regards anyone who goes against the laws of God as a sinner and ready to judge at instance

May I tell you today that those who commit sins while being  ignorant of the person of  Christ and his laws is not actually a sinner,

The real sinner is someone who has come to the knowledge of truth and still swim in lies.

The real sinner is one who condemns the other when he or she falls into sin without showing love.

The real sinner is one who rather chose to gossip about another without diligently finding the truth of the matter.

Someone  who knows the truth and still does the wrong

He who is bind by law and yet breaks it

We that judge others but cover our own sins with religious activities and doctrines.

We that preach the truth but our character does the opposite

An unbeliever who sin is not a sinner, but a believer who breaks the law of God willingly without heart of reconciliation.

Sinners are those church leaders who establish doctrines only to imprison some set of people in other to please their set motives.

Ask yourself, am I a sinner or a Saint?

You can have the gift of prophecy, you can raise the dead, you can preach and thousands give their life to Christ, you can  give all you have to the poor, but if you fail to show love to another, you are the real sinner.

Change your ways before the anger of God comes knocking at your door.

God bless you.