Prophecy good things.

2 Kings  4:26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.

This was the story of a shunammite woman who always take care of prophet Elisha whenever he travel pass their abode

She was the same God gave a child after many years of waiting, even at her old age

But the son died.

Without any form of drama of weeping, she went straight to the man God used.

But on her way, the prophet sent a message to her to inquire if all is well, her prophetic response becomes the foundation of her son's healing. She replied 'all is well'

This was a woman who has suffered mockery and shame while she was yet to conceived 

This was a woman whose neighbors and friends would have told to adopt a child that her womb can never conceive.

The same child that was given to her out of her act of hospitality died suddenly... 

If you are in her shoes imagine what you would have done 

What do you do when you are in trouble?, what do you do when things go from bad to worse?

Do you not curse God to his face when your expectations becomes cut short.?

Many of us has lost our salvation and victory in God because we already conclude in our hearts God cannot save when in trouble

Some of the challenges we come across are a test of faith in God, but many of us failed woefully and make us to remain in the same level we are.

As you start your day today, prophecy good things into your life.

When you have nothing to eat, say 'the Lord will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory'

When in sickness say 'I shall not die but live to declare the goodness of God'

When in trouble and no way to go, say 'God shall make a way for me, where there is no way'

Your confession becomes your testimony.

Confess good things and you shall see God turning things around for your good.

God bless you.