The Church Prays.

Acts  12:5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.

This was the story of Peter being arrested by Herod and was placed on prison, he was placed under the security of four different groups of guards who watched his cell around the clock in four  shifts. 

This made it difficult for anyone to make an escape even he he tried to.. 

But the church prayed without ceasing to God for a divine intervention. 

What is the church doing today when their minister finds himself on the most difficult situation? 

What do you do when your friends and family are passing through difficult times of life... 

The church was not divided, there were no gossipers who would have gone from house to house to share gossips. 

They were not divided by factions or doctrine 

The church didn't staged a protest against the ruling government in solidarity for Peter, but rather they staged a spiritual supplication to God for divine intervention 

There church were unity with one voice and spirit, they prayed without season, they prayed with faith unto God who is able. 

Do we have the same spirit in our churches today?, are we united as the churches before? 

Are we not divided with our selfish and greedy ambitions?

When a minister falls into temptation what do we do as church member? 

... And while they were still praying, God staged  his divine rescue for Peter.

Let us come together as one, until then God can work in us as of Old....

Let the church unite again  and pray with one voice... Then God will hear. 

You are the church, I am the church. 

God bless you. 

Prayer Key:

1. Lord return your love to the churches. 
2. Let the churches be united again. 
3. Destroy every work of the devil in all your churches 
5. Destroy every spirit of division in our churches in Jesus Christ name. Amen.