Make Impact

Matthew  5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

We are in a society where the general consciousness is corruption. Rotten Ness and evil behaviours parade themselves freely in the society, and most sadly the believers are not left out. 

The number of Christian denominations. Gospel ministries and ministers is alarming. Even in government and business offices, fellowships are daily observed. 

There are many Christians among the politicians and public office holders. Yet, the level of corruption in our society is skyrocketing today. 

The question is, why?, is it the power of the Gospel can no longer change people? No, it is not so   it is the failure of so many people who call themselves Christians to impact positively on the society. 

Despite that the light of Christ in us is expected to shine in the darkness of this world, with the indisputable assurance that the darkness has not understood it, 

Few Christian's make positive impact, believers in Christ should use every opportunity to shine as light in the world. 

We are not to shine only in the Church, but more outshining in the world that is already engulfed with darkness. 

Joseph made impact in the foreign gentile land of Egypt, Daniel and his 3 Hebrews influenced their generation for God. 

Make positive impact where you are today, sharpen one another in the church, then go and shine in the world today. 

God bless you. 

Prayer Key:

1. Lord thank you for today and new week in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, help me to make positive impacts in every ara find myself  in Jesus name. 

3. Lord destroy every evil thoughts and agenda that wish to quench my light on Jesus Christ name. 

4. Lord thank you for answered prayer in Jesus Christ name. Amen.