A heart of thanksgiving

Psalms  150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude, especially to God. 

Thanksgiving is showing appreciation for what someone has done in the past, present and yet to do. 

In several ways of our lives, God demands thanksgiving from us, He is the maker and provider of all things. 

The Bible text says let all living things, anything that has breath should give thanks to God, even when you are dieing, you should keep thanking God. 

Giving thanks is not limited to only good times of life, we are expected to give thanks even when passing through the most difficult times or life, because in any situation we may find ourselves, God is still faithful. 

Our thanksgiving open doors for more grace, blessings and visitations from God 

Praise God in your good times, bad times, when you are going through pain or when you are rejoicing. 

As long as there is still breath in you, don't stop praising God. 

God bless you.