The little is Enough

Matthew  14:17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.

This was the story of Jesus feeding the five thousands (excluding women and children) with five loaves of bread and two fishes, Jesus was a leader with Compassion for the multitudes. 

He was able to recognise their physical needs even after he had feed them with the spiritual food, he asked the disciple what they have that could feed the multitude. 

The disciple went into ultimate search, asking who at least could come to the prayer ground with food, at a point someone suggested they send someone to market to buy, but before the suggestion seems not to be favourable. 

Lastly they came by a boy who has five loaves of bread and two fishes, but is that not too little for even two grown up men to eat and be satisfied?.. Yes, but enough to feed the multitude. 

Jesus first gave them the opportunity to use their own wisdom to search for solutions, he gave them the opportunity to try their luck, but none was able to with a proper solution, yet in their search they found 'little' 

So also in your life and daily living, you are trusting God for a great miracle, but can't trust God for the little you already have. 

God has given many the chance to seek solutions for themselves just has he did to the disciples, but the only difference is that, the little you found, you fail to bring it to jesus for blessing. 

Many are still in search for that great supply, in this process we get disappointed each time. 

The little you have may not be able to feed your family, but do you know if God blesses it, it can fees the whole nation 

The disciple exhibit faith and trust, they brought it to Jesus, and after He blesses it, it was able to feed the multitude and still have leftovers 

If you are able to trust God with the little you have, God can turn it to multitude. Because that little is Enough for God. 

Bring the little you have to Jesus Christ for blessings. 

God bless you. 

Prayer Key: 

1. Lord thank you for a new day and new week in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, open my eyes to the little I have, and grace to bering it to you for blessing. 

3. Lord, Help me to trust with all I have. 

4. Lord, let me not be disappointed in all my labour in Jesus name. 

5. Thank you for answered prayer in Jesus Christ name. Amen.