Don't lose your Guard

2 Peter  3:17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

In the hour  in which we live, it's more important than ever for us to keep our guard on  against the devil's plots and strategies at all times.

Guard means to watch over in other to protect or control.

As  Christians, we are solders of Christ in this world, no doubt we have been fighting one war or the other...

Many of us has experience different situations of life, the good, the bad, times when it seems all hope is lost, times when we seems to be defeated, times of shame and disgrace... Also times of joy and happiness, celebration and glorification...  But In all this, we must not lose our guard, 

Don't lose your guard of prayer when you have received what you prayed for, the devil never sleep nor slumber. It is very sad today that people try to relent on the altar of prayer immediately they receive answers to their prayer, such moment is what the devil makes use of to fight back against once fervent Christians. 

Do not lose your guard of giving, whatever God as place in your heart to give to another, don't ever stop doing it, you may not receive instant blessings, you may be criticized for it, but never stop, because God is watching and will surely reward your good work of faith. 

Do not lose your guard of fasting, this go along with prayer, you know how hot you are for God in time past, but because of little challenges you lose your guard of fasting...   It is time to take up the duty, it is time to reignite the fire of fasting on the altar of your personal prayer. 

And finally 

Do not lose your guard of righteousness and holiness, you may see the unrighteous succeeding before you, that should not make you lose your guard of righteousness and holiness, every man has his own time, your success is on the way   don't let the success of the unrighteous makes you turn to the path of unrighteousness... God is watching your labour of faith. 

He that endure to the end, the same shall be saved, so don't lose your guard. 

God bless you.