Do not fear Rejection

Psalms  27:10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

Rejection is difficult no matter the circumstances in which it comes. But as believers in Jesus, we stand in a long line of those who have all, in one way or another, faced rejection for their commitment to follow Christ. Some have lost their families, others their reputations, and even others their lives.

The most difficult rejection of all time is that of the parent, those you trusted so much with your heart, king David was able to re-establish his love and assurance in God that, even if his father and mother should forsake him, God is rightly there to accept him 

In one way or the other we have faced rejections, some from our close relatives, some at work, some comes as a result of our integrity and denial to compromise our standard. 

Many as preacher of the Gospel has faced rejection for speaking the truth, many even paid with thier dear lives. 

But the good news is we are not to be afraid of any rejection, as long as our relationship with God the Father is not broken. 

Many of us wouldn't have got to this level if we had not been rejected from our previous stage. 

Many wouldn't have gotten a peaceful home if they had not been rejected from thier previous relationship. 

Also many wouldn't have gotten a better job if they had not been rejected from the previous... 

Someone rejections are caused by God himself, either to save us from danger or to lead us to another level of greatness. 

As a Christian living an exemplary life of Christ, we should not fear rejection as Christ is with us always. 

He says in. Isaiah  41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Be happy in God, and enjoy unending peace. 

God bless you. 

Prayer Key:

1. Lord thank you for all I have and all I don't have 

2. Lord help me to see you in every situation of my life 

3. Lord, in my solitude, be my all. 

5. Honour me in every places I have been rejected in Jesus Christ name.  Amen.