Give him Praise

Acts  16:25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.

We are saved, called and preserved to declare God's glory, the reason some Christians don't enjoy the presence of God is their lack of the attitude of gratitude.

Jesus demonstrated the habit of praising and thanking God, throughout His Earthly ministry. No wonder He exhumed the power and presence of God anywhere He went, since God inhabits the praise of His people.

Paul and Silas were praising God instead of being depressed, or thinking of how to escape from the prison,

They were stripped, beaten and placed in stocks in the inner cell, yet they were praising God, it brought heaven down to their situation.

Praising God offers access to the presence of God, praising God guarantees our victory over the enemies, Praising God draws God's attention to us quickly than prayer.

Learn to praise God in whatever situation, when you forget His blessings, you will become a victim of life's situation.

When you stop appreciating God, you start depreciating. Praising God demonstrates your acceptance of God's supremacy and sovereignty over all circumstances.

Learn to praise God in every situation.

God bless you.

Prayer Key:
1. Lord thank you for a new day and a new week in Jesus name.

2. Lord, give me an appreciative heart and spirit in Jesus name.

3. Help Lord to always see you in every situation of my life in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayer in Jesus Christ name amen.