Be Guided

Galatians  5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

The christian life is within the realm of the Spirit's direction through the word of God, when we live according to the direction of God's word, we are living in the spirit. 

Apostle Paul called on the Galatians to bring in harmony with the direction of the spirit, in other to be withing the realm of the sprit one must behave after the spirit-inspired word of God. 

It is so sad today that many Christian often time decline from the directions of God but following self will and sole dependant on the gift they possessed. 

As powerful as Jesus Christ was, Joseph was instructed to flee to Egypt in other to safeguard the infant, not that God is not powerful to save, but there is time for everything. 

Moses was commanded to touch the rock with the rod but instead strikes the rod on it, thereby making him lose the opportunity of getting to the promise land... As dedicated and determined as he was, despite all afflictions and challenges he faced before and during the exodus, a simple instruction deny him of the land. 

No matter how gifted you are in healing, there are some people you cannot heal, not because God is not powerful to work through you, but because their healing is designated to someone else... Trying your best on them is a waste of time. 

Prophet Balaam was instructed by God never to honour the invitation of  Balak King of the moabites  in the quest to destroy the Israelite, but due to his covetousness and dependant on the gift of the tongue, he disobey and latter met his untimely death. 

That you have the power to heal does not mean you should not run from death.

How did you handle the divine directions of God  for your life.? 

How well are you following the path God wants you to walk in?

Have you deviated from his guiding and following your own will?

No matter the level of your spirituality, anointing, power and gift, the day you fail to acknowledge the guiding of God is the day you start to depreciate in the sprit.

Be Guided by the spirit of God as your life depends on it.

God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord give me the grace to walk with you according to your directions. 

2. Help me not to be clouded by the gifts you have given me, so I will not miss the way 

3. In every area I have declined from your guiding, Lord bring me back to track in Jesus name. Amen.