The foolishness of being Gifted

1 Corinthians  13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

Spiritual gifts are something every believer is given when they receive the gift of salvation. Just as the gift of salvation is by grace through faith, so are the spiritual gifts. Our God is so generous. He is constantly giving us things.

It is very sad today that many baby Christians and even the grown up alway believe being gift is a testament of being sent by God or being in the spirit. 

This has made many derailed from salvation and many lost their faith in Christ. 

Many can exhibit the gifts of the spirit but lack the consciousness of the spirit, 

The gifts of God are without repentance, even when you have derailed form the path of salvation, your gift will still be at work. 

Ahitophel was a seasoned gifted counsellor, who finds his position with King David, he was a renowned counsellor that, whatever counsel he gives stands and yield success, yet it was the same gift that led to his shame and disgrace.

Gift can intoxicate the gifted thereby leading to the path of distractions.

Many ministers of the Gospel only depend on their gifts rather than God the giver of gift 

Many are trading with the gift for natural affections like fame, prosperity, wealth etc against the direction of God in saving souls to the kingdom. 

What are you doing with your gift, how are you managing your gifts, how well are you profiting the kingdom of God with your gift?

The supernatural demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power is to serve others as well as minister to ourselves. It’s commonly thought these gifts are only to minister to others but that’s limiting the grace of God. 

The Spirit can give you a message of wisdom when you ask for one in your life just as easily as He can give one to you to deliver to someone else. Let the Holy Spirit minister to you also.

You can be gifted and still go to hell.

Don't be like the foolish gifted.

Always align the use of your gift with the standard of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you.