Wrong Answer

John  5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?  5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.

Have you ever been to a job interview where the only way to secure the job that will change your entire life for good  is to answer one simple  question  correctly?... 

Imagine how your interviewer will feel like when you give wrong answer to a very simple question... 

Such was the  story of the man at the pool of Bethesda being  a clear picture of the lives of many Christians today... Many remain in problem not because they have no one to help, but when the helper comes they gave wrong answers to questions.

A simple question Jesus asked was "do you want to be healed?",  "Yes or No" answer would have been the appropriate answer to give in this situation. But the man Start giving God the stories of his first day at the pool, down to how different angels would come down to trouble the water. 

He didn't stop by tell Jesus from his experience how he has become the chief sick man at the pool... But in all this Jesus neither engage in the same story with him but to rise up and walk.. 

What wrong answer are you giving to God's questions today?, many would have been out of their problems and calamities, but due to thier inability to give correct answers to God's question. 

God knows everything you are going through, what you've been through and what will happen to you, why do you have to remind Him again? 

Many when asked what they want God to do for them, they will start by accounting how they've prayed and fasted for several days, paid tithe and offerings regularly, how they have served God wholeheartedly, etc...but in all, God is not interested, all He want from you is "a yes or a no" 

Do not keep yourself still at the pool of bethesda, Jesus is asking you to forget whom you have trusted would  help but are not forthcoming, those who have promised but have not fulfilled, and accepting His offer to help you. 

Waiting for someone to help cost the man thirty-eight years of sorrow, how many years of trusting in man costing you today? 

Stop giving God wrong answers so as not to stay long at the pool of disappointment. 

God bless you. 

Prayer Key:

1. Lord thank you for a time like this in Jesus name 

2. Lord, help me to understand your divine visitation in Jesus name. 

3. Lord, Help me not to destroy your plans for my life in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.