The crowd choses Barabbas

Luke  23:18 And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:

Today is the story of a time when Jesus was imprison before crucification, standing trial before Pilat.

It was a time for a presidential pardon for a criminal to be released, Jesus Christ had been imprison together with Barabbas and the choice has to be made by the people.

A little bit about Barabbas. John 18:40 calls him an “insurrectionist.” That means he had revolted against the government. He had caused civil unrest. He hated the current politics. And Mark 15:11 says he had “Committed murder.” That’s probably the actual charge that had gotten him thrown into prison. Murder. Probably during the insurrection.

Murder done in the name of politics.

In essence, this is the choice before the people. Pilat asked, Do you want me to release  the Terrorist OR Jesus the Saviour of the world?  the choice was obvious, Pilate stood with his arms crossed. …then the crowd made their choice.

18b “Give us Barabbas!”

Pilate was in shock. “Are you serious? You want the terrorist? You want the murderer? You don’t mind that your families won’t be safe and the marketplace might be filled with discord. You don’t have a problem with another possible attack in the future? You’d rather get rid of this Jesus simply because you don’t want to have to deal with your sins?"

As bad their  choices was at that time,  Instead of someone who gives life, they chose someone who ended it.

Instead of someone who promotes peace, they chose someone who disrupted it.

Instead of someone who provides a heavenly kingdom, they chose someone who broke down earthly kingdoms.

Is these not the situation we are in today?, in politics, in our offices, even in the church of God.

But enough about them. 
What about you?  
Who did you choose?

The question may not be presented by Pilat of the days of Christ, but in so many ways you have been asked to chose between Christ and Barabbas

The question has been presented to you, by your boss, friends at work and in school, election, groups that like to complain in church

Who did you choose?

Jesus? Not always. Barabbas? No. Perhaps someone else. Someone with… 

A name like PORN.
A name like GREED. 
A name like RACISM. 
A name like RAGE.

​Here’s the deal. We know how bad these things are. We know that PORN ruins families. We know that GREED ruins marriages. We know that COMPLAINING destroys the work of the church. We know that ADDICTIONS destroy the body. We know that IMMORALITY ruins our self worth. We know that PRIDE is intolerable to God.

And we know that Jesus is the Saviour. He brings forgiveness. He brings eternal life. He brings love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Yet we still find ourselves struggling to choose Him!?

you still have the opportunity to make the right choice today, Jesus is still waiting,

Don't chose what will murder your spiritual and physical life over someone that will give you life both physical and eternal.

I'm the Pilat of today asking you again, who do you want, Jesus the saviour or Barabbas the murderer?

Have a great day while you chose.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, Help me to chose you over every other thing in Jesus name.

3. Lord, guide my heart towards your will in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.