What do you see?

Jeremiah  1:11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree.

The eye is very essential, if the physical eye can be so valuable, what of the more important spiritual one?. A literarily blind person lives as life of better imagined physical darkness. No wonder the eyes are called "the light off the body"

As the physically blind person stumbles both night and day, so does the spiritually blind person. The  physically blind man has no opportunity to differentiate between day and night.

Spiritual blindness is more problematic, because the victim is unable to see what God sees, one can be physically challenged as to seeing, but with an active spiritual eyes.

Jeremiah was able to see what God expected him to see. In your life, marriage, and career, the Lord wants you to open your eyes wide and see correctly, what He sees and reveals to you.

If you are unmarried, shine your eyes(both physical and spiritual) very well in order to get God's best.

Your sight defines your signs, what you take time to see, determines what happens in and around you. If you are no longer seeing your spiritual signs, the. Something is wrong with your spiritual eyes.

But by retuning to Christ and tuning your spiritual antenna totally to His channel, you will once again begin to see what He sees, and your life will be the best of it.

God bless you.

Prayer key :
1. Lord thank you for a new day like this is Jesus name.

2. Lord, remove deadness from my spiritual eyes in Jesus name.

3. Lord, Help me to see clearly what you see for my life in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayer in Jesus Christ name. Amen.