It will grow and beer fruit

Hebrews 12:15
[15]Look after each other so that not one of you will fail to find God’s best blessings. Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble, hurting many in their spiritual lives. (Living Bible) 

The "root of bitterness" mentioned here is synonymous to a metaphor used in Deuteronomy 29:18–19. There, the people of Israel were warned about those who assumed they'd be blessed and protected by God, despite their willful sin. 

God showed me a vision recently, I saw myself visiting a friend, and on getting there, I noticed he has acquired a new pet, and guess what, it's a cub, I was very surprised. My friend told me it's playful and friendly, I can testify to it too as for a few minutes I was there it's all full of playing around. 

But something happened when I held unto it to have a little intimacy, it gripped my hand as if it wanted to bite, I tried releasing my hand but I didn't find it easy to do so, I have to forcefully  release my hand, even though I sustained no injury because its just a baby tiger and doesn't have that power enough to bite.... But all my friend  could say was, 'don't be afraid, it's just playing' 

That instance the Lord ministered to me and said, 'what if its a grown up tiger, will you be able to save yourself?' 

It happens daily in our walk with God, we wanted to hold unto one pet or the other, we wanted to plant that seed so we can water everyday, and even when it grows up to be a big tree we can rest under it and serve as shade  during a sunny day. 

Just like Samson, it started with emotional affection towards an ungodly woman, he continue to feed her with his love, romance and even the secret of the Lord which was kept with him, and when she grew up to become powerful, even as more powerful than Samson the most powerful at that time, she devour him without remedy

Have you suddenly forgot Gehazi, who nursed greediness to the point of receiving curses from his master and his path destroyed among the prophets of Israel. 

What about Cain, someone whom  God told directly to do away with the pet of hatred and anger, but at the end he became a cast away and a wonderer 

What root are you watering today?, what pet are  you feeding , is it greediness, anger, hatred, gossip, hypocrisy, fornication, adultery disobedience etc?.. 

They  can never produce fruits of joy, happiness and peace... Rather pain, betrayal, sorrow and eventually death.

If you fail to cut the root so it can die at a tender age, or do away with that tiger pet before it becomes fully grown wild animal, it will become deadly and devour you in latter times, sometimes may lead to your untimely death.

Now is the time to kill the root of that tree, and do away with that pet else it will grow and bear fruit for you to eat. 

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, please help me to do away with ungodly pets, tress that has occupy my heart in Jesus name.

3. Give me the grace to live according to your words and will in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.