When the days are dark
Psalms 118:5 I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place.
When the days are dark, and the moonlights weep; when trees swim and oceans rock, when birds mourn and wild animals beg their prey, cry if you will that the order are reversed but never decline your trust in God. This is poetic, but real.
To Job and his disgruntled friends, all was lost, but God had jot begun unravelling the mystery of His almightiness. Stay with God when your days seem dark, and you will never be swallowed by the horrors of the unknown.
Like the friends of Job, the best anybody can do for you in moments of trials and pains are to offer miserable or empty consolations. But don't detour or deflate your balloon of hope.
When it seems your strength is exhausted on the days of trouble, cry if you want to, but hang on still on God till He causes you to mount with wings as eagles and exchange your feeble Ness for His unfailing strength.
What are your aches today? See a tunnel ahead of you. The patriarchs of faith became heroes after their dark days were past, still found standing on their feet with their backs against the walls, not fidgeting, but fighting till they won all.
You are more than able, God ahead in the name of Jesus Christ until victory is achieved.
God bless you..
Prayer key:
1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.
2. Lord, give me the strength to keep trusting in you till victory is achieved
3. Lord, hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness in Jesus name.
4. Lord when the days are dark, don't abandon me in Jesus name.
5. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.