Replaced before nightfall

Acts  1:26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

Nightfall is the part of a day when the sun goes down and evening begins. It is a time when the dark begins to set in. It is a time in a man's life that work is done and everyone does home. 

Nightfall also signifies the old age in man which proceed death, the book of Ecclesiastes admonished the youth  in the book of Ecclesiastes  12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; night fall now becomes a time strength of man will be diminishing. 

It is of God's plan to work and walk with us till the end of our days, He purposed His will for us till we grow old. 

Its been the culture to make replacement where there is displacement, most especially in times like this where every where seems stuck, There is a perfect replacement for any body anywhere at any time, so no one  should not go about bragging over any thing,

From the text, it was the story of Judas, originally chosen by Jesus Christ and anointed as an apostle to preach the good news to the nations, just like every other disciples, Jesus have a long-term appointment with him but his covetousness and careless made him to be used by the devil and eventually makes his appointment terminated indefinitely, thus the need for replacement 

what ever occupies your heart has master over you and just at the point where his ministry should start it ended. And now he's needed to be replaced, after all the time he spent learning, after all that he has seen with Christ. 

we still have so many of such kind of Christians in church, they could be in any position but they are sons and daughters of perdition, their hearts is occupied with evil, kindled by personal interest, they will not pay attention to sermons in church and visions of God for their life, they will only be involved in things that will pay them and make them happy, remember there are good and bad prophecies and they must be fulfilled, you could be the one who will lead the end time revival or the anti- Christ

Saul was replaced with David, just when he wants to begin, vasti, was replaced with ESTER, the list go on an on, for Elijah God has seven thousand replacement, for Judas there were two replacement (Barsabas and Matthias) 

Which department of the church are you functioning presently?, which vision and ministry has God committed into your hands? , how committed are you in the respective department?,

Judas was replaced even before the commencement of his ministry, are you not replaced already or about to be replaced?

For you not to be replaced you need to be in Christ, the enemy the devil is a trick star, he knows the word of God, he keeps record of prophecies and watches out for the time of its fulfilment to see how to fight the good and enforce the evil, don't give the devil a chance. 

You will not be dismissed,  your work, school, business or ministry will not end half way, your carrier would not be dashed, your marriages will not be displaced, It may be written that evil thing will happen but you will not be the one who will carryout that evil, Pudge your heart and  be rooted in Christ. ,You will do the work of your father in heaven, you will keep the faith, and will finished the race.

God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, Help me not to be replaced in Jesus name.

3. Help me to fulfil your will till the end of my life in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.. Amen.