To what purpose is your Alabast box?

Matthew  26:8 But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste?

The stories of the Bible will never be complete, especially the story of the life of Jesus Christ without mentioning the woman that anointed Jesus with a precious oil...   For it was  written that where the gospel is preached this should also be preached (Mathew 26:13)

This woman brought a precious oil filled in an alabaster box. Considered to be the costliest oil in those time, and used it to anoint Jesus' feet. 

The disciples were furious, filled with indignation and confused why this woman would waste such a precious thing like that, which should instead be sold and given to poor, even if she's not in need of it again. 

No one knows to what reason why this woman could do such, even the disciples were of the opinion that if Jesus was to be a spiritual man (prophet) He should be able to know that such gift is not acceptable, not even from a sinner like her... 

But Jesus who is all knowing was able to bring the disciples into understanding and open their heart to know what they could not. 

The woman out of deep love for Christ, and brokenness of heart, breaks her alabast box, poured the precious oil, and a anoint jesus' feet in memorial of Him. 

The question is, to what purpose are you breaking your own  alabaster box today?, to what purpose are you pouring your precious oil away for the ministry and works of God today?

Consider the oil and alabaster box as tithe and offering, your gift/talent and time?, why are you exhausting it today? 

Is it truly  born out of deep love for Christ or for your own selfish interest?,

Are you not prophesying just for people to recognize you and your name to be well known? 

Are your services in the church of God comes out of your love for Christ? Or for people's praise? 

To what purpose are you breaking your alabaster box? 

Even if your pastor, mentor, discipler is not too spiritual to discern your heart, do you know God that is all knowing sees through all your intentions? 

Check your life today,  are you a pastor, choir, elder, leaders of one group or the other, Sunday school teacher, evangelist and prophets... for your services before Him not be a waste of time, energy and resources, align your motives towards the love of God today for Him to recognize you. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key: 

1. Lord thank you for another day to live today in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for all my selfish attitude and hypocritical service before you 

3. God, align my motives towards your love in Jesus name. And let my service not be a waste in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.