God works while we wait

Lamentations  3:26 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.

If we are going to be honest with ourselves, we all hate to wait, in fact more often than not, we say something like, "I can't believe this is taking so long; it's costing me time I don't have"

That's because most of us consider waiting time to be wasting time. But it's not so with our God. Anytime you wait on God, He works, even when you can't see what He is doing.

God is always coordinating the events of the heavens and the earth to accomplish His purposes for the life of His children.

Moat of us loathe waiting. We'd rather be in the control, in the driver's seat, making moves, making things happen and getting results. 

Yet,  God values waiting so much that it's one of the main tools He uses in our lives to get to our hearts and change us from the inside out.

For answers: for a mate, for a job, for a raise, for baby, for breakthrough, as you wait, remember that God almighty is working on your behalf when you wait, He completes the rest.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord help me to wait on you and let not my faith be shaken is Jesus name.

3. Lord, as I trust in you for a better life, let me not be shamed in Jesus name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.